What is the percentage increase/decrease?

The percentage change calculator helps you to find the percentage increase or decrease between two numbers.

Percentage Decrease Calculator

For example: Tony buys 300$ of a cryptocurrency, three weeks later his cryptocurrency price becomes 240$, what are the percentage changes?

Step 1: Subtract the original number from the new number: 240 − 300 = −60
Step 2: Divide the result of step one by the original number: −60 ÷ 300 = −0.2
Step 3: Multiply the result of step two by 100 to convert it to a percentage −0.2 × 100 = −20%
If the result of step three is a negative number, then it is a percentage decrease, if it is positive then it is an increase.
So Tony's cryptocurrency Decrease by 20%

Percentage Increase Calculator

Example: Tony hold his cryptocurrency one year after he buys it for 300$, now the price is 846$.
How much has cryptocurrency changed in percentage for one year?

Step 1: Subtract the original number from the new number: 846 − 300 = 546
Step 2: Divide the result of step one by the original number: 546 ÷ 300 = 1.82
Step 3: Multiply the result of step two by 100 to convert it to a percentage 1.82 × 100 = 182%
If the result of step three is a negative number, then it is a percentage decrease, if it is positive then it is an increase.
So Tony's cryptocurrency Increase by 182%

Percentage Change Calculator