Reverse Percentages Calculator

This calculator helps you to find the original number, you have been given the final number, and the percentage type (increase or decrease).

A 20% Decrease of ____ is 150.

For example: if a shirt in a sale marked 20% off costs $150, what is the original price of the shirt?
Simply enter the price of the shirt 150 the final number in the first box, and the percentage type whether it was increased or decreased in this example the percentage type is (decreased), and the percentage (20%) the result is the original price of this shirt (answer: $187.5 ).

Step 1: Find the percentage of the original number (in the example above, the shirt in a sale marked 20% off costs $150 that is mean that 150 is 80% of the original shirt price) 100 - 20 = 80%
Step 2: Convert percent to a decimal: 80% = 80 ÷ 100 = 0.8
Step 3: Divide final number by decimal: 150 ÷ 0.8 = 187.5

A 25% Increase of ____ is 5500.

For example: Tony invests money in cryptocurrency. Two years later, he sells them for $5500 at a profit of 25% of their original value. How much is the original value?
Enter the final number (5500) in the first box, the percentage type (increased), and the percentage (25%). The result is the original value (answer: $4400 ).

Step 1: The percentage of the original number is 100 + 25 = 125%
Step 2: Convert percent to a decimal: 125% = 125 ÷ 100 = 1.25
Step 3: Divide final number by decimal: 5500 ÷ 1.25 = 4400
