Percentage Increase and Decrease

Percentage increase and decrease calculator helps you to get the result after a number has been increased or decreased by a percentage.

What is 1500 after a 3% increase?

For example, Tony has $1500 in his account, after a year tony's account increased by 3%.
How much Tony have in his account?
Step 1: 100% + 3% = 103%
Step 2: Convert 103% into a decimal: 103 ÷ 100 = 1.03
Step 3: Multiply the original number by the decimal: 1500 × 1.03 = 1545
Result is 1545 Tony has $1545 in his account

What is 1000 after a 2% decrease?

For example, Tony has $1000 in his account, after a year tony's account has decreased by 2% from Taxes.
How much Tony have in his account?
Step 1: 100% - 2% = 98%
Step 2: Convert 98% into a decimal: 98 ÷ 100 = 0.98
Step 3: Multiply the original number by the decimal: 1000 × 0.98 = 980
Result is 980
Tony has $980 in his account
