Convert Percent to Fraction

Percent to fraction converter, this calculator helps you to convert a percentage to a fraction.
A percent is a number or ratio that represents a fraction of 100, which means (per 100) or (out of 100).
A fraction in mathematics is a number that represents a part of a whole. Written by two integers separated by a line, one is on the top of the line, and the other on the bottom. The top number is called the numerator (represents the number of equal parts of a whole), the bottom number is called the denominator (is the total number of parts that make up said whole).

9% =9100numeratordenominator_

How To Convert a Percent to Fraction?

Example: Convert 82% to Fraction
Step 1: 82 percent that means 82 per 100 or 82 out of 100.
82% = 82100
Step 2: We need to simplify this fraction by finding the greatest common factor between numerator and denominator, in our case 2 is the greatest common factor.
So Divide both numbers (numerator and denominator) by 2.
82 ÷ 2 = 41
100 ÷ 2 = 50
Result: 82% = 82100 = 4150

Example: Convert 9% to Fraction
Step 1: 9 percent that means 9 per 100 or 9 out of 100.
9% = 9100
Step 2: We need to simplify this fraction by finding the greatest common factor between numerator and denominator, in this case, 9/100 That fraction is already in simplest form.
Result: 9% = 9100

For more about fractions click here.

Convert Percent to Fraction
